Our Customer.AI Platform converts transactions into customers, providing actionable insights, predicting what they are most likely to do next, and continuing their engagement with your brand. Transforming raw transactional and customer data into unique customers, Customer.AI scores and ranks your customers into segments, then drives engagement through automated customer journeys powered by propensity modelling and hyper-personalisation.
iCentral is the Single Point of Truth for all your customer knowledge, creating visibility on the most important measures, trends, and opportunities. It takes you out of the dark and into the light, showing who your customers are, and revealing the ways to keep and grow them. Achieving this is really possible, Customology helps businesses with highly complex and disparate data bring it all together into their own Single Point of Truth.
Our Customologists specialise in developing measurable customer programs which create customers for life. We drive more foot traffic, creating more loyalty, and influencing customers to spend more, more often. You already have everything you need to get started, we connect with your existing systems avoiding the need to spend unnecessary dollars on CRM’s, ERP’s, websites, and apps.
The Reply2 marketing automation platform engages your customers with direct communications, triggered from behavioural and lifestyle events. With personalised microsites (PURLS) your customers interact with highly personalised and relevant content, creating great customer experiences which influence the right behaviours. Reply2 manages millions of personalized, multi-channel customer engagements daily.
The Redemption Engine helps your team manage the reward and redemption of customer incentives as a complete end-to-end management solution for both physical and digital vouchers. Millions of end customers benefit from this service which enable brands to protect customer incentives from abuse or fraud.
Our Customologists are specialists at analysing your data to reveal what’s really happening with your customers. Are you relying on acquisition to maintain growth? Are you keeping your customers? Which customer types are spending more? What customer segments and cohorts exist in your business? The Customer Engagement and loyalty Assessment shows you who your customers are and predicts future behaviors. An assessment is the first step to creating an effective customer program.